Savannah Travel Blog Arrival

The Road to Savannah

At 3pm on a brisk November afternoon, Jรผrgen and I parked a smashed-up car in front of our new Savannah home, and pulled our exhausted bodies up the front steps. We had arrived after a whirlwind trip that had brought us from Oviedo, Spain, to Madrid, Chicago, Denver, Ohio, Kentucky and finally southeastern Georgia.

The road to Savannah

And our dog, Chucky, had come with us. The flight from Madrid to Chicago had been long, and she had surely spent every minute howling in the dark solitude of the cargo bay. When her crate arrived into Chicago customs, I picked her up for hugs and kisses, realizing too late that she was covered in puke. There’s no evidence for it, but I’ve convinced myself that she must have vomited at the very end of the flight, and that she didn’t spend ten terrifying, turbulent hours rolling around in her own mess.

My parents let us borrow their car for the trip from Kentucky to Savannah. I repaid that small kindness by backing into the fire hydrant across the street from their house, ripping the bumper off and putting a hideous gash into the side of the car. A great way to start off our new 91-day adventure. Otherwise, the drive went smoothly, and we were soon installed in our new home, anxious to get out and explore the city. It had been ten years since I lived in the USA, and neither Jรผrgen nor I had never spent much time in the South — this was surely going to be a fascinating three months.

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More Photos form the Day of our Arrival in Savannah:

Savannah Travel Swamp Land
Savannah Hardeeville Sign
On our way to Savannah
Savannah 17 North and South
Savannah Bridge
Going over the Savannah Bridge

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7 responses to “The Road to Savannah”

  1. Mimosamama Avatar

    Went to Savannah two springs ago and loved it. Walking around the parks and the cute tree-filled squares. We visited the Mercer House (my friend LOVED the book so it was a must). There was a little festival of some sort going on down along the waterfront. That was very fun! Visited the Ghost Restaurant. Can’t remember the real name of it but they are on the west side of town, and claimed to be infested by ghosts. The food was good and the stories and tour were fun. Enjoyed the city’s architecture, too. Visited a town 2 hours east, can’t remember the name at the moment, but liked Savannah MUCH better! Enjoy your stay!

  2. Dizzy Girl Avatar

    Welcome to Savannah! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Don Teuton Avatar

    If you want any advice from a native don’t hesitate to ask.

  4. Juergen Avatar

    @Bard – do I you really want me to take a picture and send it to you?

    @Mimosamama Thank you for your comment – so far we are loving it. Since we are planing on doing some day trips, can you remember the town. Sounds awesome.

    @Dizzy Girl – Thank you for having us ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Don Honestly anything – especailly off the beaten track stuff. Hikes, Outdoor stuff, boat tours, nature, restaurants, basically anything cool.

  5. BowyerFan Avatar

    We went to Savannah in June for the first time and have been trying to figure out how to move there since. You will love it – especially since it appears you enjoy eating and drinking. I am very jealous, but hope you have an awesome time!

  6. Sky Princess Avatar

    Love the idea of 91 days in Savannah, and it is a good time of year. I look forward to your posts. I have just returned from a Savannah vacation and have been doing a series of posts on my blog that you might enjoy:

  7. Juergen Avatar

    Bowyer Fan – what’s holding you back from moving there? I saw that they are fixing up tons of old houses. I bet they look awesome once they are done.

    Sky Princess, great posts. Might steal some ideas from you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Again, thank you all for your comments.

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