German Schnitzel Food in Savannah

The Schnitzel Shack of Rincon (via Darmstadt)

One of the first things Jรผrgen did when we got to Savannah was type “German Restaurant” into Google. The nearest place bore the tongue-twisty name of Schnitzel Shack, and was a half-hour away in a town called Rincon (rhymes with Lincoln).

Schnitzel Shack near Savannah

That was a little too far away, and we eventually forgot about it. But on a rainy Wednesday afternoon, I returned home to find Jรผrgen dressed in his lederhosen, playing the accordion and wailing “Deustchland, deutschland รผber alles” with tears rolling down his cheeks. The homesickness was terminal. Nurse, I’m going to need an injection of sauerkraut, STAT! Let’s roll: destination Schnitzel Schnack. I mean Shack!

Minutes later we were seated at our table in the tiny restaurant. Color flushed back into Jรผrgen’s face as he read the menu with growing delight. “Jรคgerschnitzel? Goulash? Spรคtzle? Ja ja ja, wunderbar!” The Shack offers a selection of both German and Thai dishes, an odd combination which owes itself to the founders’ homelands. Pao is from Thailand, and Joe is from Germany.

German Weizen Beer in Savannah

We quickly discovered that Joe isn’t merely from Germany, but actually from Jรผrgen’s home town of Darmstadt: a small city south of Frankfurt. Once that factoid was unearthed, the night really got going. Joe and Jรผrgen swapped stories from the Heimatland. Unbelievably, he even worked at the same company as Jรผrgen’s mom! We stayed late after eating, talking with him and Pao and drinking beer. They’re a great couple; Joe still works a day job, and comes into the restaurant at night. The Shack’s strange culinary mash-up has proven to be popular, and the table are almost always full.

The food is great. Joe told us that male customers typically order hearty German dishes while women generally stick with the Thai section of the menu. Well, Jรผrgen and I are both guys, so we went with Jรคgerschnitzel, Cordon Bleu, Spรคtzle and Sauerkraut. Gott im Himmel, was it delicious. The Shack also offers fusion dishes, such as Sweet and Sour Schnitzel.

So, yeah. Somehow, there’s this great German-Thai cuisine in Rincon, Georgia, served by a cool guy from Jรผrgen’s home town. It’s amazing how many treasures are hidden right in plain sight. If we hadn’t researched the Schnitzel Shack in advance, we’d have driven right by without ever noticing it. But now you know, and so there’s no excuse to miss this great little spot in Rincon. Make sure to say hi to Joe and Pao from us.

Sadly the Schnitzel Shack has been closed down since then.

More Schnitzel Shack Photos:

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10 responses to “The Schnitzel Shack of Rincon (via Darmstadt)”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I so wish I found your blog when you were actually in my adopted hometown of Savannah! Its so crazy that great little German place is in little old Rincon!

    1. Juergen Avatar

      Hey Laura,

      did you go to the Schnitzel Shack and if what did you order? How long have you been in Savannah now?

      To us 3 month sounds long but the the time in Savannah just flew by.

  2. beatrix webb Avatar
    beatrix webb


  3. Meredith Ley Avatar

    Thanks to your blog and visit to the Shack, I was able to do a story on them for WSAV’s “Our Hometown” week. Joe and Pao gave me a great interview and the food is DE-LISH!!!!!

    1. Juergen Avatar

      I wish I could go back … would love to try their Sweet/Sour Schnitzel. What did you have. It feels like such a long time a go when you interviewed us. Was such a blast!

  4. Barrie Wilkins Avatar
    Barrie Wilkins

    This German Restaurant is truly Wunderbar!
    I had the Sweet/Sour Schnitzel and I was amazed at how well the tai seasoning and vegetables blended so well with the great taste of the Schnitzel. The blend of Tai dishes and German traditional dishes that Pao and Joe offer are quite a tasty combination in cozy, comfortable atmoshere.
    We are planning on meeting there tonight with my family to enjoy more of their great Schnitzels!

  5. jens raedisch Avatar
    jens raedisch

    today nov 10 2011 i have found out about the schnitzle shack and tomorrow i will be there to check it out,let you all know how it was later

    1. Juergen Avatar

      So how did you like it? What did you order?

  6. Isabella Davis Avatar

    Gosh Guys I certainly wish I had known you were soooo close!I truly admire your posts,images are spectacular and the writing really strikes a cord ,love the humor,please dont hesitate to email me if you are ever back this way!All the best, IsaBella

    1. Mike Avatar

      Thanks, Isabella! We’re glad you discovered our blog, even if it’s after we’ve gone. We do hope to get back to Savannah someday ๐Ÿ™‚ For now, though, we’ve just finished up our stay in Palermo, Italy, and are moving on to Sri Lanka.

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